How To Increase Landing Page Conversion Rate

Landing pages capture the attention of web visitors and invite them to take action. This means converting them from a visitor to a lead by proposing a product or service of interest. And, with time, help to mature the lead into a client. Landing pages help you present your offering in response to web users’ needs. They can be changed and optimized quickly and easily, Before creating your first landing page, get together with your sales, marketing and design teams and plan your page.

Over the last few years, various web designing companies have been using some of landing page tips and tricks which has proved to be very consistently beneficial.

Some of those essential secrets landing page ideas that can enhance your conversion rates are given as follows:

The Message Between The Landing Page And Ads Consistent:

The first thing that you need to do for improving the conversion rates is to make sure that there is no disconnection between the ads and landing page. If the landing can be matched perfectly with ads then it becomes possible to predict and provide a relevant user experience. This also helps in sending PPC traffic to either the home page of the website or its generic splash page.

Clarify your offering

Make a value proposition. Offer a solution that solves your target’s problems. Web visitors who click on a landing page will stay there if they can see a benefit, Forget the technical features of your product and focus instead on communicating the value you offer. This is where your customer conversion takes place.

Simplify the registration form

The quality of people who sign up for your services depends on the number of fields they have to complete in the registration form. Small optimization can only give you small results and so if you want some big result then it is necessary to make the big change. Changing the sign-up flow of a landing page is one such big modification that you do for getting the huge conversion. Aim to present your content and sign-up form in blocks to make them easier to understand. Placing the form on the right increases the chances of conversion.

Crafting a clear call to action

Call to action plays a significant role in enhancing the conversion rate. It can actually make a difference between the bounce rate and the conversion rate. If your visitor clicks here, you’ve converted them. Get rid of any surplus information that distracts from the CTA and check ACTIVELY AND PASSIVELY THAT it can be seen clearly on tablets and smartphones. If your call to action is not so powerful then no matter how much your rest of the elements of the landing page maybe it will not be able to convert the visitor to your probable customer.

Test your user flow

Test different versions to find out which landing page gets the most conversions. Analyse the results of each change. Use heat maps to follow web behaviour. Scroll maps provide information on where your visitor is spending the most time on your site, and at what point they leave. Check your hyperlinks work. And finally, a landing page needs to be flexible and easy to modify. You’re going to do plenty of testing to find the optimum page for conversions. Depending on test results you might need to change the colour of the CTA, the message or other elements.

Refer visitors to your social media profiles

Include links to your social networking profiles for greater transparency. Your web visitor can then access your pages and check out the relationship you have with your communities, your online reputation, and the opinions of fans and followers.

Making the landing page mobile-friendly:

With the increased popularity of the smartphone, it becomes very essential to make the landing page of your website to be mobile-friendly. A lot of people will try to fill out the web form on a mobile device rather than using their laptop or desktop. Hence, it is seen that mobile ads are also very effective.  it becomes necessary to make the mobile landing page as well as their forms as easy as possible so that the customer can order the product without any difficulties.

Use videos (where appropriate)

Videos are a fantastic way to promote a certain action while providing extra information, persuading arguments, social proof and more in an easy-to-view format. They’re also criminally under-used. When using them on a landing page you need to be very careful and make sure that they fit with the flow of the page rather than hinder the audience from taking the action you want them to.

These are some essential landing page tweaks that will certainly help the company to enhance the conversion rate. The main objective of a great landing page is to enhance the conversion rates for reaching the growth goal of marketing and business. The landing page is not necessarily to be a home page. In fact, the landing page can be any page of the website which the visitor may find with the help of a search engine.

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